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5. She’s looking around the room

If you catch her scanning the room, looking around more than once. It is a sign that she is open to being approached. 

Ladies who do not want to be disturbed will keep their concentration on who they’re with at the time or be focused on their phones, and sometimes books. 

While looking around the room, she might lock eyes with a few people, and if she’s interested, the smile and other gestures follow. That’s your cue to approach her.

It is essential to pick up other signals in addition to this because a lady looking around a room could also mean she is checking her surroundings to ensure her safety.

6. She directs her conversations toward you

She might say something about the weather or a game on TV to get you to notice her. Even if you’re in the midst of other people, she will direct her conversation or questions to you.

She’s not just interested in the weather or the game; she probably isn’t at all. She hopes that you will respond with information and take the hint and get to know her better.

This is a signal that she’s interested in you. 

Interesting: How To Tell A Girl That You Like Her 

7. She approaches you first

I bet you did not see that coming. 

She will approach you first and invite you for coffee or yoga if she’s attracted to you and wants you around her. 

Many guys make the mistake of thinking ladies who do this are just being freindly, and because of this, they end up missing the opportunity.

You may be looking for subtle signs to approach a lady in a bar, but a confident lady who directly invites you to hang out, putting the fear of rejection aside, signifies that she is interested in you.

Next time, it’s your turn to invite her out.

In conclusion

Approaching ladies can be intimidating, especially when you’re unsure if they are interested in getting to know you. 

On the other hand, some ladies have been in the position where they have shown interest, but guys could not pick up the signals.

This leaves two options, either you learn what these cues are so that you can tell the next time you meet an attractive lady, or you keep missing the opportunities to be with the ladies.

I think you’re better off armed with information.

Read: How to Date the Cutest Girls Around You

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