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The feeling of having a crush – it’s like floating on cloud nine while simultaneously feeling like you might explode with excitement. 

Having a crush can be both thrilling and nerve-wracking, and it’s a feeling that most people can relate to. Whether it’s the cute barista at your local coffee shop or your long-time best friend in high school, having a crush can be a confusing and intense experience.

But have you ever stopped to wonder why we get crushes in the first place? What is it about certain people that makes us feel so drawn to them? 

As it turns out, there’s a lot more to crushing on someone than just thinking they’re cute. 

In this article, we’ll explore some of the fascinating psychological facts about crushing on someone. We’ll delve into the science behind why we get crushes, what happens in our brains when we see our crushes. 

1. Increased Heart Rate

When we see someone we’re attracted to, our brain releases a flood of chemicals, including dopamine and norepinephrine. 

These chemicals are responsible for the feelings of excitement and anticipation that we associate with having a crush. But they also have a physical effect on our bodies, including increasing heart rate.

The increased heart rate is a physiological response to the release of these chemicals. When we experience strong emotions, such as excitement or fear, our body’s “fight or flight” response kicks in, triggering a surge of adrenaline. 

This surge can cause our heart rate to increase, which is why you might notice your heart pounding when you see someone you like.

It’s not just the sight of your crush that can cause an increased heart rate, either. Even the thought of them or the anticipation of seeing them can have the same effect. 

Our brain is constantly processing information and making predictions, so when we’re looking forward to seeing someone we’re attracted to, our body may respond as though we’re already in their presence.

[Related: 7 Hidden Signs a Girl Secretly Likes You]

2. The Dopamine Rush

When you see your crush, you might feel like your heart is about to burst out of your chest. That’s also because your brain is releasing dopamine, which is responsible for feelings of pleasure and reward. 

And the reason for this is that when you’re in love, your brain starts to associate that person you love with feelings of pleasure and reward. This can lead to what’s known as “positive reinforcement,” where your brain is motivated to seek out more interactions with your crush to experience those pleasurable feelings again. 

It’s like your brain is saying, “Hey, that felt really good! Let’s do that again!”

Interestingly, research has shown that the dopamine rush we experience when we like someone can be just as powerful as the rush we get from using drugs like cocaine or nicotine. 

So, in a way, being in love can be a bit addictive. It’s no wonder why we sometimes feel like we can’t stop thinking about our crush or why we get so nervous and excited around them.

3. Obsessive Thoughts

Obsessive thoughts are a common psychological factor that can come along with having a crush. 

You might find yourself constantly checking their social media pages, replaying conversations you’ve had with them in your head, or even daydreaming about what it would be like to be in a relationship with them. 

And while it’s normal to think about someone you have feelings for, obsessive thoughts can be a bit more intense.

So, why do we experience obsessive thoughts when we like a person?

Well, one reason we may experience obsessive thoughts is that our brains are wired to focus on things that are important to us. When we find someone attractive, our brains perceive that person as important, so we start to give them a lot of mental energy. 

This can lead to thoughts that feel like they’re out of our control, as our brains keep coming back to that person over and over again.

[Read: 11 Signs He Likes You But is Playing it Cool]

4. Butterflies in the Stomach

Ah, the butterflies in the stomach feeling. It’s a classic sign of having a crush, and it’s one we are all familiar with too well. 

But what exactly is going on in our bodies when we experience this sensation? And why do we feel these sensations specifically in our stomach?

It all comes down to the way our bodies are wired. Our stomachs are connected to our brains through the vagus nerve, which plays a role in regulating our digestive system. 

When we experience strong emotions, like the excitement of seeing our crush, the vagus nerve can become activated, causing our stomach to contract and churn. 

So, while the butterflies in the stomach feeling may be uncomfortable or even distracting, it’s actually a sign that your body is responding to the thrill of attraction.

5. Idealization

When we are attracted to someone, we tend to put that person on a pedestal, seeing only their best qualities and ignoring their flaws. It’s like we’re wearing rose-colored glasses and only seeing the world in shades of pink.

Idealization can be a powerful force in the early stages of liking someone. We might think that our crush is the most amazing person in the world, and that no one could possibly compare to them. 

We might daydream about spending our lives together, imagining a perfect future where everything is wonderful and nothing goes wrong.

But while idealization can feel wonderful at the moment, it can also be a double-edged sword. Why?

When we idealize someone, we’re not seeing them as a whole person with their flaws, quirks, and complexities. Instead, we’re seeing a version of them that we’ve created in our minds.

As a result, idealization can be a set-up for disappointment. When we get to know our crushes better, we might start to see them in a more realistic light. Maybe they have annoying habits, or they’re not as interested in us as we thought they were. 

Suddenly, the perfect image we had of them in our minds comes crashing down, and we’re left feeling disillusioned and disappointed.

[Also read: 13 Sure Signs Your Guy Friend Likes You]

6. The Anxiety

If you’ve ever been attracted to someone before, chances are you know the feeling of nervousness that can come along with it. 

It’s that feeling in the pit of your stomach when you’re around your crush, the worry that you might say or do something embarrassing, or the fear of being rejected.

Social anxiety is a common experience for many people who have crushes. It’s that sense of self-consciousness that can make it difficult to be yourself around the person you like.  

You might find yourself overthinking your every move, worrying about how you look or what you’re saying, or trying to anticipate their every thought or reaction.

Social anxiety can be particularly intense when you have a crush on someone who you perceive as being out of your league. 

You might worry that you’re not attractive or interesting enough to catch their attention, or that they’ll reject you if you try to make a move. These fears can lead to a cycle of self-doubt and avoidance, making it even harder to build a connection with your crush.

But here’s the thing: social anxiety is normal. It’s a natural response to the vulnerability and uncertainty that comes with opening yourself up to another person. And while it can be uncomfortable and sometimes even painful, it’s a sign that you’re taking a risk and putting yourself out there.

7. Physical Attraction

Physical attraction is often the first thing that draws us to someone we have a crush on. 

It’s that unexplainable feeling you get when you see someone and your heart skips a beat, your palms start to sweat, and you feel like you’re walking on air. 

Interestingly, physical attraction can also be influenced by other factors beyond just appearance. For example, someone’s scent can play a role in how physically attracted we are to them. 

Studies have shown that people are more attracted to the scent of someone who has a different immune system, which could potentially lead to stronger offspring.

[Interesting: How to Know Someone You’re Attracted to Feels it Too]

8. Emotional Vulnerability

When you have a crush on someone, you might feel like you’re on top of the world. You may feel giddy, happy, and excited at the thought of being around them. 

However, there’s another side to crushing that’s not as fun – emotional vulnerability.

Acting on your feelings for someone means that you’re putting yourself out there emotionally. You’re opening yourself up to the possibility of rejection, disappointment, and heartbreak. 

It’s scary to let someone know that you have feelings for them, especially if you’re not sure how they feel in return. This vulnerability can feel uncomfortable and even painful at times, but it’s an essential part of the experience.

When you’re vulnerable, you’re also more likely to feel intense emotions. You might feel incredibly happy when your crush pays attention to you, but you might also feel sad or angry when they don’t return your feelings. 

Emotions can be unpredictable and intense when you’re crushing, which can be both exciting and overwhelming.

9. Mood Swings

Crushing on someone can be a pretty intense experience. It’s like your brain is working overtime, trying to process all of the different emotions you’re feeling. And when your brain is working that hard, it’s only natural that your emotions might go a little haywire.

Another reason for mood swings when crushing is that it can be hard to gauge how the other person feels about you. 

Maybe you’re convinced that your crush likes you back, and then they do something that makes you doubt everything. Or maybe they seem totally disinterested one day, and then the next, they’re flirting up a storm. All of this uncertainty can leave you feeling confused, frustrated, and emotional.

And of course, there’s the fact that crushing on someone is just plain exciting. It’s like a rush of adrenaline every time you see or talk to your crush. 

And with that excitement comes a whole range of emotions – from elation to nervousness to disappointment and everything in between.

10. Increased Energy

You may find yourself bouncing off the walls with excitement, unable to sit still or concentrate on anything other than your crush. This isn’t just your imagination – there’s a scientific explanation for it.

Hormones like dopamine and norepinephrine are responsible for feelings of pleasure and excitement. And a surge of hormones can give us a natural high and a boost of energy, making us feel like we can take on the world (or at least the day ahead of us).

 But this increased energy can be both a blessing and a curse. 

On the one hand, it can help us be more productive, motivated, and focused on our goals. On the other hand, it can also be distracting and make it difficult to concentrate on anything other than our crush. 

You might find yourself daydreaming about them during class or work, or staying up late at night thinking about them instead of getting the rest you need.

11. Involuntary Smiling

Sometimes we find ourselves grinning like idiots for no apparent reason when we think about our crush. Involuntary smiling is a common psychological response to having a crush on someone.

When we see or even just think about our crush, our brains release a flood of neurotransmitters responsible for pleasure and reward. This surge of dopamine makes us feel good, which can trigger an automatic smile response.

The thing about involuntary smiling is that it’s usually not something we can control. It just happens, almost like a reflex. 

So, if you find yourself grinning from ear to ear when you think about your crush, don’t worry, it’s perfectly normal. It’s just your brain’s way of telling you that you’re experiencing something pleasurable.

[Also read: How To Tell A Girl That You Like Her ]

12. Self-Doubt

When you find someone attractive, it’s easy to feel like you’re constantly walking on eggshells. 

You might be afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing, worried that you’ll come across as too eager or not interested enough. This fear and uncertainty can lead to a phenomenon known as self-doubt.

Self-doubt is a common psychological fact about crushing because it’s natural to question whether you’re good enough for your crush. You might start to compare yourself to other people, wondering if you’re as smart, funny, or attractive as they are. 

This type of self-criticism can be especially harmful because it can lead to a lack of confidence, making it harder for you to be yourself around your crush.

In some cases, self-doubt can even prevent you from pursuing a relationship with your crush. You might convince yourself that you’re not worthy of their attention or that they would never be interested in someone like you. 

And these negative beliefs can hold you back, keeping you from taking risks and putting yourself out there.

13. Emotional Intensity

When you’re around someone you find attractive, your emotions can feel like they’re turned up to eleven. 

It’s like your heart is in overdrive, beating faster than usual, and your thoughts and feelings are all over the place. Why does this happen? 

Well, besides all the chemical reactions we’ve already discussed, when we’re around our crushes, our bodies might physically react in ways that increase our emotional intensity. 

For example, you might notice that your heart rate increases when you’re near your crush, or that you start sweating or blushing. These physical reactions can contribute to the overall sense of intensity and excitement that comes with having a crush.


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Attraction Diary Team

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