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As we grow older, our bodies go through some physiological changes that cause us to age physically. 

Of course, men and women go through these stages, but there is societal pressure on women to look youthful and graceful despite their old age.

And according to research, this media bombardment and pressure has now influenced older women to turn to cosmetics and fashion to make themselves look younger and more attractive. 

Although there are older women like Greece Ghanem, Lyn Slater, and Renata Jazdyzyk, and a host of others who are killing it in the fashion scene, there are still many more who are making bad style mistakes because they have no guidance on how to properly organize an outfit that would make them look youthful without committing a fashion blunder. 

Growing up, I realized older women have little or no advice to follow regarding fashion. So in their quest to look younger, they can easily lose grip on reality and start chasing after trends and outdated fashion. 

Dressing to look younger is great and empowers you with much-needed confidence; here are some of the style mistakes older women make trying to look younger: 

1. Overdoing killer heels 

One fashion staple capable of making women look instantly attractive and youthful is heels. There are different types of heeled footwear in the market, each designed to accentuate the female gait and enhance female sexuality. According to research, people find a woman in heels more feminine than a woman in flat shoes. 

For older women, investing in heels is one major way of looking younger and accentuating your outfit, but one mistake is wearing heels that are too high for comfort. 

The term “killer heels” does not refer to shoes that are as high as the sky; it refers to the shoes that look great and inspire confidence in the wearer, regardless of how high or low the heel is. 

So many older women make the mistake of purchasing shoes with heels that are way too high for comfort, all to look fashionable. Remember that your gait and walk make you attractive, so choose shoes you can walk confidently in. 

Interesting: 10 Defining Traits of A High-Value Woman

2. Wearing heavy earrings 

When worn correctly, earrings are an elite fashion statement. As an accessory, earrings enhance your facial appearance and add spice to your overall outfit. 

However, as an older woman, as much as you need those adornments to make you look youthful, you must be pickier about the weight and size of the earrings you wear. 

As you grow older, the body weakens, and the bones and cartilages become thinner. The earlobes are composed of cartilage membranes called stapes, and in older women, these stapes are weak and can barely hold any weight. If you put pressure on these membranes, they might tear. 

Note: Heavy earrings are a no-go because they pull down the ear lobes, but this doesn’t mean you can’t wear earrings. You can always opt for studs or a clip-on. 

3. Clothes that expose too much 

It is understandable that as women grow older, their bodies change, and they start to make extra effort to look more sexy and attractive. 

However, exposing too much skin or cleavage to appear sexy is tasteless and one of the biggest style mistakes. 

Of course, you don’t have to wear a turtleneck that reaches your chin or a skirt that touches your shoe; the most important lesson to learn is balance and moderation. 

Here is a style tip. To look more elegant and classy, wear teasing outfits instead of exposing outfits. 

As an older woman, your neck and décolletage are some of the most attractive body parts, so show it off. Do this by investing in v-necks or scoop necks that draw eyes to these parts of your body. Necklaces are also a great way to enhance these parts.

Related: 6 Style Mistakes Older Men Make Trying to Look Younger

4. Overdoing the color combinations 

Not everything has to match. I know it’s tempting to wear a blue shoe because your bag is blue or because your earrings are blue, but too many matching items become tacky. 

It’s okay to wear clashing colors as an older woman because it adds more life to your outfit. On the contrary, trying to match gives the impression that you are trying too hard. 

This rule also applies to accessories. Don’t wear too many matching accessories. When you wear necklaces and earrings, ditch the bangles. Steer clear from chunky necklaces and other fashion accessories. 

5. Wearing too many oversized outfits 

These days, so many brands have embraced oversized aesthetics and have made it look cool for people of all ages. Older women have embraced this, not only because it’s trendy but also because it is comfortable and easy. 

However, one of the biggest setbacks of oversized fashion is that it is tricky for older people. Teenagers or younger women can wear voluptuous outfits without looking frumpy, but not older women. 

As explained in this medical article, this happens because the body is firmer in younger women and droopier as we age. So older women must learn to accentuate their body shape with befitting outfits. 

This doesn’t mean you should steer completely clear of oversized wear. Here is a style tip: wear only one oversized fit at a time. If you wear an oversized shirt, try fitted pants. If you go for oversized pants, try a fitted top. 

6. Wearing clothes that don’t fit 

As I mentioned earlier, as you grow older, your body changes. And as a result, most people either lose or add weight. 

Regardless, you want to make sure you go for proper fittings before you pick an outfit. Fittings are important for you to know your new measurements as an older woman so you can invest in better form-fitting outfits. 

Instead of going for fittings, many older women prefer to tweak it when choosing outfits. It will result in wearing clothes that don’t fit, no matter how lovely the fabric looks. The importance of this can not be overemphasized because it makes a huge difference to your appearance. 

Regardless of your body shape, a well-tailored cloth will stand you out in a crowd. Even when you go to a store to shop for outfits, knowing your exact measurements and fit will help you choose an outfit that will not only conform to your shape, but will also give you space to breathe and move. 

7. Chasing trends 

One thing about the fashion industry is that there will always be a new trend. What is in vogue today might be completely out of fashion tomorrow, so if you’re constantly chasing trends, you will surely be left stranded more times than you can count. 

Growing up, you probably had one style that was uniquely you. It could be that you liked wearing suit pants, instead of tight-fitting jeans, or maybe scarves were your style, whatever it is, make sure you don’t lose them as you grow older. 

To embrace youthfulness, many mature women lose sight of who they are just because they want to invest in trends. They ditch their uniqueness and embrace someone else’s style. It often results in fashion failure because you can’t be comfortable when you’re not yourself.

8. Heavy makeup

Over the years, makeup and cosmetic enhancement have been used by women worldwide to improve their facial look and increase confidence. 

When we’re young, we have more time to play around with colors and products, but as you age, no matter how tempting it is, you have to go lighter and choose your products more judiciously. 

This article from the National Institute on Aging explains the skin’s processes during the aging period. For older women, you must learn to tailor your makeup to your skin, so these products will not just sit on your face but blend beautifully for a flawless finish. 

A quick style tip: start your makeup using a primer, choose the right foundation, use your concealer after foundation, use a little powder, then fill in your eyebrows. 


While the goal is to look younger, it is great to embrace your age and accept that you are no longer a teenager or young adult. Old age is a beautiful stage, and only a woman who is confident about her maturity and age would have the poise and morale to pull off iconic styles. 

Style mistakes happen when you are desperate to appear younger than you are. Don’t chase trends; instead, curate your fashion style and be unique. Don’t forget to look in front of the mirror daily, and learn to love your skin. True contentment from within is the only way to appear younger without effort.

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Adetayo Toluwalope

Adetayo is an author and a prolific writer. Her writing experience broadly encompasses fiction and articles regarding dating and lifestyle. She's passionate about helping people become better versions of themselves through storytelling.

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