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5. They are not afraid to be vulnerable 

The best comedians know how to roast themselves. 

Watch any Kevin Hart performance for instance. It’s usually just a guy roasting himself for like 2 hours. And people love his performances. 

Every good comedian understands this trick, and some writers use it. 

In a world of highlight reels and filters, people who are not afraid to be vulnerable are like superheroes. 

The filtered images and perfect bodied pictures we see on Instagram may be appealing to look at, but as several studies have confirmed, they only make people competitive, insecure, and even depressed. 

It’s always liberating when we see people who embrace their imperfections like it’s a blessing. 

How do you feel when you see someone make a joke about themselves concerning something you were insecure about? Liberated right? 

Charming people are not afraid to be vulnerable. Watch how celebrities often turn awkward questions into hilarious interview moments. That’s the power of not taking yourself too seriously, and charming people are masters at it. 

Related: 10 Subtle Signs People Find You Very Charming

6. They let their actions speak 

Have you met people who are intelligent or successful but never brag about it? You gotta just love them. 

They have an aura that says: “I have all that, but it’s not a big deal. I’ll still roll with you like we’re just friends having a simple conversation.”

People who let their actions speak are humble. And most likely, they’re people who have passed through a lot to attain self-mastery and emotional maturity. 

They are usually people who are good at what they do because they love doing it, not because of the attention they’ll get. 

This is probably why people love Keanu Reeves, the celebrity who loves to act like a regular guy. But no matter how much he tries to act regular, people can’t help but love him and treat him special. His incredible acting skills and net worth speak for themselves. 

7. They don’t try to be someone else 

There are a lot of reasons why being authentic is one of the most charming things you can do. 

First of all, authenticity indicates self acceptance. And when you don’t have an aspect of your nature you’re still repressing or ashamed of, it shows in how you live your life. Because of this self-acceptance, authentic people display unique traits that make them stand out. 

As Lawrence Josephs, Ph.D. a professor of psychology at Adelphi University explained in Psychology Today, 

“Authentic people display emotional openness, transparency, and availability in engaging in behaviors like showing their interest and feelings and introducing their partners to their families. Individuals who engage in such “be yourself” dating behavior are not only high in authenticity, but they’re also high in secure attachment while low in narcissism.”

Authentic people make you feel safe to be yourself. 

Final words

Looks can only go so far when it comes to being charming. To be a charming person, how well you’re able to make others look good is more important than how good you look. 

Read: 6 Signs You’re Secretly Charming 

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